Decorating the Kids Rooms

If you think that your home is starting to look tired and you are beginning to think about redecorating, one of the best places to start can be with the kids rooms. In order to reduce the headaches and stress of redecorating, you need to start room by room anyway and decorating the kids rooms first if its done right will lead to a general air of satisfaction amongst them and can even help you in the long run as you gather more ideas for how you want the rest of the house to look but also because the kids are feeling special and maybe even pleased enough o help you a little with the rest of the decorating chores (depending upon their age of course).

Decorating kids rooms can be a fun and enjoyable way to pass the time and it gives you the renewed opportunity to bond with your kids as well. There’s no better way to get closer to your kids than by getting down to their level and talking about things that interest them. Decorating their rooms might be the perfect way to do that. But where do you start? If you have more than one child you need to be careful whose room you’re going to be decorating first so that things don’t get fraught and create added tensions.

Decorating kids rooms can be fraught with tension if you don’t handle it properly so if you don’t have a preference over the best way to handle this, (providing you don’t have more than 2 children) it may be an idea to simply flip a coin in the air and have the kids call out what they want. If you have more than 2 kids, another way to handle it is to tackle the whole decorating process of their rooms at once instead of one by one. Having said that, if this feels like simply too much mess for you, agree with the kids which days will be spent decorating each room and what will be achieved on each of those days so that they can see you sticking to a plan and know that each of them is having the same amount of time and money spent on their room.

If you do decide to tackle all of the kids rooms in one go, be thankful that at least it’s not the whole house and just keep telling yourself that you are very brave and also that in this way you promote happier feelings amongst the children with no one feeling slighted or sulking because they are having their room done last. Depending on the age of your kids, you may well find that what tends to happen in most cases, when you’re decorating the rooms with the kids help, is that the paint gets everywhere except on its intended mark. But then again that was part of the reason you decided to start by decorating the kids rooms and perhaps even their play areas.

Hopefully you’ll at least feel happier that you have started on your decorating project and your kids will certainly be happier for having their rooms redone, and then there’s also the sheer fun you’ll have had whilst working with them. This last is of course a little tongue in cheek because decorating kids rooms generally isn’t hassle or stress free. On the contrary there’s a strong possibility that you’ll have had a boatload more stress by the time you’ve finished, but at least you’ll have had the satisfaction of getting closer to your kids and seeing their rooms clean for at least one day before they get back into their normal routine.